Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Union University Tornado Damage

Girl's dorm being rebuilt
McAfee Dorms

Bookstore/Hammons Hall

Back of the Student Union Building-Cafeteria

I was passing through Jackson, TN last weekend and stopped at my Alma Mater, Union University which was hit by a tornado in February and sustained about $40 Million in Damage, mostly to the dorms. They have a lot blocked off so I could not get close to where my old dorm used to be, but I did get a few shots of the rebuilding process.

Friday, April 18, 2008

More Birthday bash

More Restless Heart...Greg Jennings on guitar, Paul Gregg on bass, Dave Innis on keyboard

Randy Owen "of the Legendary Supergroup Alabama" (as they always promoted it on the radio)

American Idol's Bucky Covington-he was entertaining-totally worked the stage-the Pro to that being he often came close so I could get a good shot-I even have a couple where he is looking right at me-the Con being that he moves FAST!!!!! So a lot of my shots were blurry because he was running all over the place!

Not sure why these are so much smaller. Still trying to learn this blog thing!