Thursday, June 30, 2011

B+B Wedding Day Photos...

Here is my fun couple from the engagement photos earlier...they love Japanese Anime, and were supposed to go to Japan on their honeymoon but the tsunami happened a couple of weeks before their wedding in March, and they ended up postponing that and traveling cross-country instead. How cool is that?

My Sweet A

I've been taking her picture since she was only hours old in the momma is one of my best friends! She's grown up so fast. She always makes me smile.....and now she is three!

Just in time....

Now I will show you ML's 6 month session, since I am scheduled to do her one year photos in another week or so! Better late than never-I didn't want you to miss seeing this cutie.

Catching Up!

Despite my best efforts, I remain a very bad blogger. So I am going to try to do better as well as catch up on some of the things I've done since I last posted....oh, about 8 months ago! Here we have B&B's engagement session, which I believe was done on a chilly day in Jan. or Feb. which you would never know by these guys wearing short sleeves. They were more than happy to "keep each other warm" I guess! Wedding photos to come.

 And here we have the Cash Family, these were taken on Christmas Eve (I KNOW I am so slow) at Union Station Hotel/Frist Center grounds here in downtown Nashville! Gorgeous family-made my job super easy.